Ebola and IDEO Challenge

Let’s start by explaining what Ebola is. My classmate did a fantastic video about the Basics and Details of Ebola. Check out her video.

Details by Bharathi Chinnakotla

Let’s go more in depth on the Data, Images, and Graphics on Ebola. Davis Whalen made a great presentation. Let’s check it out!

Data, Images, and Graphics by Davis Whalen:

Next is my video. I did this video with my partner, Simran Lubana. We did our video on Cell Signaling related to Ebola. We used screencast-o-matic and recorded ourselves to talk through our Prezi. We also used Google Draw to make our own pictures. There are two videos we included in our prezi but didn’t play. If you want to watch them, I included the videos below our Prezi video. Hope you enjoy the video and hopefully learn something you didn’t know.

Videos used in prezi:

Let’s look at our final presentation. My fellow classmate, Abi Grassler made a great presentation on the Current Research of Ebola. Check it out!

Current Research by Abi Grassler:


I have totally expanded my knowledge about cell signaling and Ebola. Before I started, I was lost and now I feel that I have improved a lot. This project gave me better collaborative skills and helped me work better with others. I hope my sharing will impact others and that they will learn something new. I still have a couple questions regarding cures for Ebola. Hopefully, they will find one and save many lives. One of my question was if there can be a vaccine to help people with Ebola? If there was a vaccine how would it get traveled to these countries? This project made me so grateful to live in a country like America. If I get sick or something happens,I have a hospital near me. These people in Africa don’t have hospitals or doctors near them. We have such a good health program. I hope one day that the countries that don’t have good health care programs create something to help their citizens.  Overall, this project made me open my mind to many different concepts. I understand the process of cell signaling and the basics of Ebola. I hope you understand more about Ebola. Together, we can impact and teach each other more about Ebola.

Check out the IDEO Challenge related to Ebola:

How might we rapidly equip and empower the care community to fight Ebola?

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