
Strawberry DNA Extraction

For an extra credit assignment, Simran Lubana, Bharathi Chinnakotla and I extracted DNA out of strawberries!

Check out the video below:

DNA is present in every cell of all plants and animals and determines the genetics of the individual organisms. DNA is a nucleic acid, whose molecules consist of many nucleotides linked in a long chain. DNA is present in every cell of plants and animals. In this experiment, Strawberries were used. Strawberries have DNA because the DNA serves as an instruction manual in order for the strawberry cells in properly function. Strawberries were used in this experiment because they have more DNA than any other fruits. Also, strawberries are octoploids, meaning that there are eight copies of DNA. Since strawberries have more DNA, it was easier to extract and see the DNA.

Lots of weird ingredients were used in this experiment. Each ingredient had a special job. The soap helps dissolve the cell and nuclear membranes and the salt helps to break the protein chains and bring the DNA tighter together. Since DNA is not soluble in alcohol, isopropyl alcohol was used to make the DNA be seen more clearly.

This project was one of the most fun projects I’ve done all year. It was so interesting to actually extract DNA for ingredients that were in our kitchen. The most exciting part was pulling the DNA out of the solution. Me and my partners screamed of happiness because we thought we were not going to be able to do the project. If I was to do the project again, I would have used better materials for measuring. We have some trouble measuring small measurements. Also, I would have used different fruits and see all the DNA from different fruits. It would be so awesome to compare the different fruits. Overall, this project was so fun to do and I am so proud on how everything turned out.

Works Cited

Strawberry DNA – Sick Science! #114. Youtube. Youtube, 12 Nov. 2012. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.

“Squishy Science: Extract DNA from Smashed Strawberries.” Scientific American Global RSS. Science Buddies, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

One reply on “Strawberry DNA Extraction”

Jen, That blooper was hysterical! The three of you have formed such a creative, inquisitive group that really works well together. Your tech skills grew by leaps and bounds this past semester. I can’t wait to see what you create in 2nd semester!
Your explanation of the process and what is happening during the extraction was very clear and concise. I am glad you enjoyed this experiment! Just wait until the unit begins…it’s about genetics and applications. Fun, fun, FUN!


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